Monday, June 8, 2020

it's now too hot...also so many questions

I think I was just too depressed to even bring myself to edit these months ago or maybe too anxious? I would get dressed, go outside then be all worn out just from that, take a nap, wake up, eat, sleep again eventually and rinse repeat and basically forget that I even took the photos to post in the first place...

I really REALLY love this Acne Studios shearling, it is an absolute DREAM. I went back and forth on whether to buy it in Net a porters final days of their last sale and decided it would be a nice upgrade from the navy blue velocite one I've had for several years now. Speaking of Net a porter sales--WHERE IS IT??? I've been watching videos about how the luxury fashion industry is adapting to the shutdown and it seems it also could mean certain brands might be too broke for sales? Seasonal sales are going on right now to encourage people to start buying again (as we should), but Net a porter is stalling a bit. It could also be a fear-based action because they wouldn't be able to handle the increase of orders given that less people are employed at their order fulfillment areas now. Maybe production has stopped on so many new season items that the fear is that if there is a sale and everything sells out, nothing will be left? It could be all of those things combined as this shutdown has disrupted such an intrinsic balance in the world economy. 

Furthermore, the idea of seasonless fashion is intriguing to me...does this mean a new mentality when it comes to consumerism? Will having less start to mean more? Or maybe the secondhand market will now take on an elevated platform...or even the counterfeit market? Maybe less cycles of new looks but more new looks within each cycle? If luxury fashion becomes scarce, will the price go up even more? Will trendy fashion suddenly cease to exist altogether as that middle market spender realizes it's just a bunch of needless crap anyway??

I mean, it's HUMAN to want to feel and look better because it appeals to our psychological need to fit in or belong or be accepted. People want THINGS because of the transformative power in material possessions. When you are in possession of something of value, YOU have value inherently....that's what all those rappers from 'da hood' keep going on and on about. 

...and now we are living in an age where it's okay to tell someone they are 'non-essential' in they don't have any value or as much value as another person. 

Given all of that, I think Chanel made the right move to increase their bag prices. Prices are based on demand and scarcity...but mostly demand...will people now start demanding to be considered valuable hence the consumerism for luxury fashion will ramp up even more...maybe??

The economic analysis of the fashion during the 2008 crash was pretty clear cut and there weren't nearly as many questions, but now we have power-hungry politicians thrown in, a lot of fear and confusion and inevitably, growing anger making it even more difficult to see any real answers.

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