Friday, November 30, 2012

This isn't Real Feminism Sweetheart...

Urban Outfitters sweater; American Apparel disco shorts

So someone important on Twitter just declared No Shave November officially over and instructed all the men to shave their woolly growths...I guess that means I should give up on trying to be a sexually undesirable hairy ass bitch.

Below is my weapon of choice; I've had it for two years and it still leaves me feeling silky smooth.
Definitely one of my favorite beauty products; the smooth feel lasts for about two weeks.

I really wasn't being silly when I said I would wear maxi dresses for the ladies' version of No Shave November, mainly because I knew I wasn't the only one--oh, and hairy legs + leggings = itchy and I'm not here for that.


  1. I actually have the same razor

  2. I actually have the same razor

  3. Its still hot here, we got teased with like one week of cold weather sooo the thought of participating in NSN wasn't going to happen LOL.BUT That looks like a great razor, might have to check it out.


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