...so why not a new series? Cool, let's do it.
This is the first installment of All Up In My Ears or A.U.I.M.E. (I abbreviate when I can...I'll talk about the blog title later)...it's just going to be whatever is currently in heavy rotation on my iPod.
1. Meg and Dia...I talked about them a little while ago; their entire catalog is some of the best music I've ever heard and I can't wait for their comeback. My favorite song is "The Place Where I Feel Most Like Me" off It's Always Stormy in Tillamook. The opening lyrics are basically my life right now and the instrumentation in the last third of the song is absolutely breathtaking.
2. Ke$ha's Warrior...I've been watching her tv series on MTV lately and I totally respect this woman's hustle even more. She makes the perfect high-energy, positive dance music with infectious beats to keep me dancing alone in my room for the rest of the summer.
3. The Great Gatsby Soundtrack...I didn't see the film, nor did I plan on it because I never watch movies in theaters (that would mean I had a social life), but as soon as I got wind of the list of artists on the Jay-Z produced soundtrack, I was beyooooond excited--I mean, Flo, Emeli, Sia, AND LANA???!! I can't handle it. Florence + The Machine's "Over the Love" is my favorite track; Lana serves another superb delivery; and Sia Furler--Jeezus, if you don't know who Sia is yet, GET. YOUR. LIFE. Sia is one of the greatest artists of all time--OF ALL TIME *in Kanye voice*. I didn't like Emeli's version of "Crazy in Love" the first time I heard it, but the second time, I was dancing involuntarily; her unique vocal really captures that sort of desperate infatuation in the song lyrics that I didn't pick up on in the original. Overall, one of the greatest compilations of music I own.
4. Flyleaf's New Horizons...No other Christian artist/band moves my spirit like Flyleaf and their latest offering is absolute perfection. Lacey's vocals sound amazing and even though she has left the band, I hope they all continue to make music and sing the praises of the Holy Ghost.
Day 30: Got a second response...I haven't read it yet because it came too quickly and I hate rejection. Still two more options though.
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