Thursday, September 24, 2020

remember this?

Almost a decade ago, I used to run a street style blog documenting the sartorial expressions of others around me. "Style watching", as it's sometimes referred to, has always been a favorite hobby of mine; when I was a kid I remember waiting patently for the dial up to connect just so I could scroll pages dedicated to my favorite celebrity street style icons. Despite the fact that I hate people, I've always loved how fashion made me feel like I was a part of something without having to do more than get dressed. This makes sense considering I've always been more of a spectator of life rather than a participant...that's the world anyway now that people have decided participating in life means they will in fact DIE or KILL SOMEONE.

This photo was taken at an airport months ago, I had to take the opportunity to do an anonymous street style shot since we are required to be mAsKED uP in public and even private places. Her boots are everything and she is really selling me on cowhide. I didn't get it in the shot, but I remember she had a fabulous western style hat on as well. She was doing so much with ease and it really made me smile. Maybe if we weren't brainwashed into thinking socializing is evil, I would have actually approached her and asked for a full photo and details like I used to do instead of this covert act...perhaps this is the "new normal" style watching of the surveillance state we're now living in.

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