Saturday, August 11, 2012

2012 Summer Olympics Inspired Nail Art

At the start of the 2012 Summer Olympics, I did a feature on my nail polish collection and now that they're coming to a close, here's the Olympic-inspired nail art I was sporting this week.
 {with flash}
 {with flash}
The Olympics games were a time to witness ordinary people attempt to accomplish dreams of a lifetime. Whether or not they were victorious, their dedication and display of willpower was absolutely inspiring. My favorite moments included American gymnast Gabby Douglas winning the all-around and double amputee Oscar Pistorius of South Africa competing in Track and Field. Watching ordinary people  pursuing their dreams is a wonderful reminder that staying focused and never giving up is the key to achieving your goals--I know that sounds cheesy, but it's still so true.

What were your favorite moments of the 2012 Summer Olympics?


  1. Love them! And Any moment of Ryan Lochte and Spice girls at the closing ceremony were def. my highlights of this year's olympics.

  2. your nails look so good! i love the fine details.
    ooh my fave part of the Olympics would probably have to be the opening ceremony.. i thought it was so lovely and patriotic. I also loved seeing all the countries coming into the stadium. x


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