Friday, August 10, 2012

I GOT NOMINATED :)...and yet so awkward.

Gina of Gina's Style Spot was awesome enough to nominate me for the Liebster Award, a recognition given to up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 subscribers.

I am to:
a.) Write 11 things about myself;
b.) Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged me;
c.) Nominate 11 people and come up with 11 questions for them to answer
d.) Follow my tagger and visit the blogs of others nominated

11 things about myself:

1. I'm obsessed with Wasa crackers...if you don't know what they are, I pity you.
2. I want a bulldog puppy as soon as possible...why wouldn't I? (CLICK TO MAKE CUTE FACE EVEN BIGGER)

3. I'm 5'10'' and I love it.
4. I love wearing wigs as much as my natural hair
5. I'm obsessed with Big Brother (HERE'S HOW MUCH)
6. I have two Bachelor's degrees; one in economics and one in journalism
7. I hate Facebook
8. Doing one nail art look takes me two days because I'm a proud perfectionist
9. I wear clothes for men almost as much as I wear clothes for women.
10. I've been obsessed with fashion and style since I was 14 and started making my own money.
11. I always tell the least I'm known for being very blunt.

11 questions from Gina:

  1. What is your favorite movie this year? I don't watch movies....that would mean I have a social life. 
  2. Wedges or pumps? Barefoot
  3. If you could be in one place in the world, where would you be? Anywhere but here.
  4. What are the things you always carry with you/in your bag? My iPod, Chapstix, wallet and hand sanitizer.
  5. What is your ideal date? I don't have a social life so I can't even make something up for this one...
  6. What was your dream as a child? To be ruler of the world...and a dancer.
  7. What's your favorite and least favorite color? Favorite is gray because it's the sexier cousin of black and my least favorite is neon green because it reminds me of slime.
  8. Do you have a pet peeve? When people comment on my blog and tell me how great it is, BUT THEN DON'T SUBSCRIBE...just keepin' it real.
  9. What celebrity would you love to meet? I would kill to go shopping with Vanessa Hudgens
  10. What is your favorite fashion accessory? Right now it's my bangles
  11. What's your favorite genre of movies, TV shows and books? I don't watch movies very often (basically not at all), but I prefer the non-romantic type (they remind me of how pathetic I am), I adore RACHET reality television and most of the best books I've read have been selected at random so I can't really pick a genre.
Here's where it gets awkward, I'm supposed to nominate 11 blogs with under 200 subscribers, but honestly, I don't follow up to that amount with that criteria. Instead,  here's the list of all the pretty people (with actual blogs) who appreciated my content and decided to support me:

1. Gina at Gina's Style Spot
2. Olga at
3. Jacqueline at 
4. Tisha at 
5. Anita at 
6. Bonnie at
7. Mara at
8. Ylenia at
9. Dani at
11. Jessica at
12. Katarina at
13. Lailane at

If you fit the Leibster criteria, consider yourself nominated, if you don't fit it (which most of you don't), I still want to recognize your awesomeness :)

...and here's some questions for those who are Leibster-ish and have not been nominated:
1. What is your favorite type of music?
2. Who is your favorite designer?
3. Where do you usually get your clothes?
4. If you could rob anyone's wardrobe, who would it be?
5. Most embarrassing high school moment?
6. Current girl crush?
7. Current boy crush?
8. Least favorite fashion trend and why?
9. Favorite fashion trend and why?
10. Favorite book?
11. Favorite movie?

....some of those questions were lame.....sorry.

I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but it really means a lot when someone goes out of their way to recognize my efforts. Thanks again Gina!

1 comment:

PLEASE NOTE: If you want me to check out your blog, just leave your address :) BUT DON'T BE ANNOYING AND ASK ME TO FOLLOW YOU.