Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Nail Art | Galaxy-ish

I didn't go the extra mile and start sponging on extra colors, but the different sized sparkles against a black background kinda gave the same cosmic effect as the ever-popular galaxy nails ("scandalous and "blackout" by Revlon). I originally wanted to do just plain black because it's a look I haven't tried, but in the end, I decided to brush on some sparkles to random nails.

...I liked my right hand a little better:
I was really impressed with the performance of both of these polishes and I'm definitely thinking of using more dark colors in the future.


  1. love those nails!
    check if you want my blog too!

  2. Lovely nails!! I rarely use dark colours usually more into bright ^^ But these are so pretty *__*

    Love Emi


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