Monday, January 28, 2013

Black Cherry Blood

...minimalist vamp achieved in just a few swipes of mascara and blood red lips; perfect against this dusty blonde wig I've been wearing lately...
"black cherry" by Milani

This particular red lipstick is so deep it appears black when you first push the stick up. It has a floral, punchy fragrance and even though the color pretty much stays put, the sheen finish mattifies over time so I wear a little lip balm underneath to keep it from drying out my lips. Much like the Revlon Balm Stains, it leaves a rather pleasant cherry-tinged wash of color behind when it finally wears off. So far, this is my favorite oxblood investment of the fall/winter season. 

1 comment:

  1. Loving it! Reminds me of the Tom Ford that everyone is dying over, this one looks way more affordable!


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