Monday, March 25, 2013

...because I think Instagram is Stupid

Lots of stuff from my dad's basement here...

So I was all, "I haven't left the house in three days-MAJOR. FAIL." 

A trip to the mall would make it all better of course...
I was super early for the bus (actually, I read the schedule wrong and I was late, but whuut-everrrr) so I headed to the grocery store to pick up some cosmetics; will haul and review later.
First stop at the mall was American Eagle for their 40 percent off already over-priced sale...I actually got this casual menswear varsity jacket for half of what I was expecting, which was a pleasant surprise at the register (doncha love it when that happens?!).

Off to DSW to come back for some ballet flats I had left behind on a previous trip. After several long minutes of me wandering around the clearance section searching aimlessly with an epic frantic expression on my face, I figured out that the flats were gone *heavy sigh*. Luckily, it's ballet flat central in there so I still have a lot to choose from; I saw everything from the basic ballet flat to the literal ballet flat...
I love this brand and the classic design.
The concept is cute; worth considering if the leather is real.

I did not end up selecting a pair of black ballet flats (and I have no idea why I don't already have some), but I did walk out of DSW with a pair of black platform pumps; they've actually been on the list for a really long time.


Ended the day with potatoes and mac and cheese, if you haven't had it before, go ahead and consider this photo a single-step (Not Really) Recipe.

1 comment:

  1. mac and chesse my fave


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