Friday, November 7, 2014

Not Really Recipe | Not Takeout

Sometimes I just don't even have the energy or the patience to get the food out of the fridge and come up with something that qualifies as reasonable sustenance...hence, all the takeout (even yesterday I headed out to the mall and ate gross mall food because Cousin Pam drained me of any desire to eat something healthy, weird how that happens right?).

However, I did manage to put together a meal a couple days in a row(!!!), which I think qualifies as a sort of recipe...sort of...not really though (obviously).

No steps this time, just pixs, I figured it's something everyone makes when they're trying to act like they can actually cook... 
There was even dessert, that Pillsbury doughboy is my best friend...
I thought I was going to die doing much suspense.

...I think this counts as high-level back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a ME meal Lovely. I'm drained of all life force today myself...Over this week! Loving these posts. Ugh we need to catch up. Better yet...we need a sit down-grab dinner-talk shit session. Jussayin'...Off to finish my pizza & do my nails finally...laying in bed all afternoon like a straight up sloth. >.<


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