Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nail Art | Nicki Minaj Realness

I think watching Nicki Minaj's E! Network special "My Truth" has had a bit of an influence on my nail art designs. While her bold image often approaches (and sometimes achieves) tackiness, she still makes me want to copy something she's wearing whether it's her wigs, shoes or what-ever. Much like the pieces in some of Nicki's ensembles, this nail art design basically matches absolutely nothing and I thought about taking them off and starting over more than a few times after I was done painting them (she's apparently very indecisive when she puts her looks together as well).  Nevertheless, the more I look at them, the more I like them...the same goes for Nicki's street style and red carpet looks.
L'Oreal "penthouse pink" and Revlon "knockout"


  1. Lovely nails.

  2. These are pretty! Love the colours:) great post.


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